My Animal Friends - S01:E14 - Dingo My Animal Friends - S01:E14 - Dingo
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My Animal Friends - S01:E14 - Dingo

Hello, I’m little dingo and my mummy will tell me the story of how I was born and how I live. Here we go - Once upon a time, in a country far, far away, called Australia......a huge and mysterious bird brought the soul of a little dingo down to the Earth......into his mummy’s tummy... and how did it continue? Listen to the whole story.


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Episodes in Season 1

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Episode 01 - Koala

13 Min 00 Sec
This series is a unique look at the early life and development of young animals, edited and narrated from the viewpoint of the animal's themselves. As children explore the wonders of animal life, their natural fascination will deepen into a true love and appreciation of animals. In the first episode we meet Koala.

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Episode 02 - Gazelle

13 Min 00 Sec
We gazelles live on the Savannah in Africa. Mummy said, that the Savannah is a very dry place. My dad has big horns so he can fight to protect us because lions want to eat us. We must be careful even by the river because crocodiles are watching. We eat mainly dry grass and if its not too dry we don’t need to drink much.

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Episode 03 - Sea Lion

13 Min 00 Sec
We live in the ocean! It’s huge and wet. But mainly we live on the ocean shore. That’s where all the seal families make their home. What we love the most is swimming! Water is the greatest fun in the world. We have no problem staying in the water for hours at a time. Together with dolphins, we love to jump into the waves. Look at us go! Isn’t that awesome?

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Episode 04 - Brumby

13 Min 00 Sec
I am a wild horse who lives in Australia. We were born to run and the difference between me and a farm horse is that I can run freely where I want. I meet with my friends the donkeys and lizards at waterholes which are very precious for us. But watch out! We don’t like to be pushed around or feel threatened.

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Episode 05 - Butterfly

13 Min 00 Sec
We Monarch Butterflies have to chew our way from our egg to see the world. Bite by bite together, with my brothers and sisters we start to feed on the leaves. We don’t have any parents but just know what to do. When we feel cold, hungry, or afraid, we feel the same way as you do. We travel a lot and are capable of eating much more than our own weight. Our life is definitely hard work.

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Episode 06 - Pelican

13 Min 00 Sec
There are many pelicans in the world. We are Australian pelicans. But we don’t live only in Australia. We also live in other parts of the world. Pelicans like to hunt together. We hunt as a team. We swim in the water in a flock making noise with our feet and wings, that's how we drive the fish into shallows where we easily catch them. Flying is very easy for us and our nests are built from grass stems.

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Episode 07 - Elephant

13 Min 00 Sec
Our home is Africa and we also have relatives in India. But this is Africa. We have many friends that live here with us. See? Gazelles, antelopes, wildebeests....all of them only eat what grows out of the ground. Elephants love to play in the water and mud. We throw the mud around, and spray the water all over our bodies. But watch out! We don’t want to meet the lions.

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Episode 08 - Tern

13 Min 00 Sec
We live by the water and build our nests in the sand on the shores. We like to live all together in a flock. We terns are able to fly soooooooo long above the ocean without landing. If we don’t need to, we might not land at all. Flying is a blast! There are lots of different subspecies of tern. And we’re going to visit some of them today. We are all related. It’s kind of like being in a big family.

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Episode 09 - Ants

13 Min 00 Sec
I’m a Green Tree Ant and I mainly live in the forests of Australia. We ants are incredibly strong, built for working hard and long. We must all work within the community to survive. We don’t do anything just for fun and we always think about all the other ants and what is good for us all. We have to fight together for our place in the forest and to protect the most important ant in our community which is our queen.

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Episode 10 - Sea Horse

13 Min 00 Sec
In the seahorse family, it is the daddy who gives birth to us. He carry’s us in his sac, until we hatch from the eggs our mommy lay into his sac. There are various species of seahorse. That’s why we come in different sizes and shapes. Some live bound to the corals, because the marine currents are very strong. We love exploring the waters we live in.

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Episode 11 - Bear

13 Min 00 Sec
We bears live a solitary life but when it comes to hunting we take it as a reunion. We love to catch and eat fish in the river where we spend a lot of our time but the forest is also our home. We have a lot of animal neighbours such as buffalos, seagulls, coyotes but we never really like to meet with wolves. Everyone is a bit different, because everyone lives differently. That’s why it is better not mingle with others and stay with your own kind.

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Episode 12 - Budgie

13 Min 00 Sec
We budgies live in Australia. Here you’ll find everything that budgerigars need: open and broad plains; lakes; rivers; and mainly thousands and thousands of budgerigar friends. I don’t know, but it’s a beautiful life. I like it. Eating grass seeds and chatting with our other beautiful friends makes me happy.

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Episode 13 - Cat

13 Min 00 Sec
Wild cats and domestic cats are all born the same way but their way of life is a bit different. Wild cats eat what they catch. But domestic cats get food from humans. Domestic cats don’t have to hunt anymore. This wild cat lives all alone. She must find some hideout against bad weather and predators without any help. Domestic cats like the presence of human and a comfortable home. What is better?

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Episode 14 - Dingo

13 Min 00 Sec
Hello, I’m little dingo and my mummy will tell me the story of how I was born and how I live. Here we go - Once upon a time, in a country far, far away, called Australia......a huge and mysterious bird brought the soul of a little dingo down to the Earth......into his mummy’s tummy... and how did it continue? Listen to the whole story.

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Episode 15 - Clownfish

13 Min 00 Sec
I love swimming around and playing in the waters of our tropical ocean. There is so much to explore and many colours and shapes. We live in the Sea Anemone and have a glossy coat. The Clown Fish has only three stripes on an orange body but some of our relatives have lots of stripes. Sometimes I like to look at the other fish but I think that the striped ones are the prettiest.

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Episode 16 - Cheetah

13 Min 00 Sec
We are the fastest runners in the world. We hunt our dinner and when we do we can run only for a short distance, we must catch something fast; otherwise we have to stop. If we don’t stop we can overheat, and that’s a very dangerous condition for us. We also have an extra claw called an dew claw. When we’re chasing down a prey, we hook this claw around their legs to topple them over. We can do this running at our top speed. Cheetahs are recognizable by our black spots and they sure do suit us.

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Episode 17 - Crocodile

13 Min 00 Sec
I am an alligator. No, not a crocodile - an alligator. When I got out of my egg I found myself in Australia which is the place where some of the biggest crocodiles in the world live. But they also live in other parts of the world too. And why are people afraid of crocodiles? Find out for yourself.

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Episode 18 - Echidna

13 Min 00 Sec
Hello - I'm an echidna - some people call us spiny anteaters. When I was born I came out of my Mum's pouch. No, my spines didn't hurt her because I hatched from an egg and she kept me warm inside her pouch until I was ready to come out. It takes many days and nights, but a little echidna doesn’t really notice the time passing, because it’s hidden away. Whilst waiting Mum will dig a nursery den in the ground, into which she’ll put her growing baby and once the baby is fully developed it can go explore the world. Adventures await!

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Episode 19 - Kangaroo

13 Min 00 Sec
We love our home in Australia. We love all types of grass, but there are some types we prefer more. Oh did I mention we love to jump? Every part of a kangaroo’s body is perfectly suited for skillful jumping. What is also special about us is that when we are small our mom carries us in her pouch isn’t that cool?

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Episode 20 - Kestrel

13 Min 00 Sec
Hello! I’m a kestrel and I’ve a got a great view from our nest. My mummy is flying around here, somewhere. Kestrels are predators, which mean we eat meat. But we only hunt for things that are smaller than us – like voles, mice, and even some insects. We settle in hollow trees or something similar and lay our eggs. From that point, it takes less than a month for us little kestrels to hatch.

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Episode 21 - Turtle

13 Min 00 Sec
Turtle Mum usually just lays her eggs and leaves. Once we hatch, we have to take care of ourselves. From the moment we hatch, we know everything we need to know. We know what to do, where the ocean is, how to swim, and how to walk. Our goal is to get into the water. In the ocean, we are agile, and great swimmers. We’re better at swimming than crawling around on land.

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Episode 22 - Zebra

13 Min 00 Sec
Hello I’m a little zebra. You say you already know about me? I live in Africa. It’s nice and warm here, I like it a lot. Also, other animals live here with us and there is always something exciting going on. We are black and white and have stripes. When we come to waterholes we must be careful not to meet the crocodile because he would want to eat us. Even when there are a lot of us, we still walk together. We love to roll in the dust!

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Episode 23 - My Friends From the Air

13 Min 00 Sec
There are many birds in the world. You can hear their chattering, singing, cawing, and cackling across every continent. Do you think they will ever learn how to sing properly? And there are so many! Why don’t they ever crash? Lets learn more about our bird friends!

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Episode 24 - My Friends From Water

13 Min 01 Sec
Take a deep breath and let’s go under water. There are so many things and creatures to explore. There are all sorts of shapes and colours, and different ways of life. Each living thing: Humans and animals on dry land, fish living in water, birds, plants, and even insects - are all different. But most of us have three things in common: we breathe oxygen, eat, and breed. Let's look at some of our water animal friends.

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Episode 25 - My Friends From Savannah

13 Min 00 Sec
A new day has begun on the savannah. Herds of gazelle, antelope, zebra, and all kinds of other animals move around to find fresh areas to graze. There are many species of animals living in Africa. They live on the seemingly endless plains of the savannah. Many animals you know from the zoo, live here in the wild. These wild animals like their freedom. They don’t need us to take care of them. They live freely in the wilderness.

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Episode 26 - My Best Friends

13 Min 00 Sec
Today we will remind everyone of what we’ve learned in all the previous episodes, about the different lives of our animal friends. They are all here. The koala, turtle, cheetah, crocodile, bear, zebra and the butterfly...what do you remember about them?

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